Monday, July 13, 2020

How I stay productive working from home with kids

Let's get real, working from home with children is a dream but it's stressful. As a mom it is important to find a balance in order to raise your babies and run your business, effectively. However, this blog posts is not just for mamas who run a business but also mamas who are homemakers, work from home with a 9-5, or those who are just overwhelmed.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

How to start a blog on a budget or free

Starting and running a blog does not have to be expensive. I remember when I started my first blog years ago, I got overwhelmed with how much the costs of just the basics were. Over the years (and many blogs later). I get the most done with the least amount of stuff and let's not forget these items are inexpensive. I want to break down the list of essentials that I use to run my blog day to day. Keep in mind I am no tech or web expert. I just want to share things that I have learned along the way.

Monday, July 6, 2020

How to buy cheap prescription glasses online | | Glasses review

Quarantine with my EyeBuyDirect glasses in the style DRUMS.

Hey hey hey! I'm back to show you guys one of my favorite life hacks. See, I'm a prescription glasses wearer and there's nothing I love more than being able to find inexpensive QUALITY eye-wear that I can buy directly from the comfort of my home. Want to find out how I paid only $12 for prescription glasses and how you can grab a pair for yourself?